Para ser parte de la oferta exportable de JC Online Soutions


-Envío de imágenes a 300 DPI de los productos a ofrecer en formato JPG. Se recomienda no más de 5 para iniciar una campaña.

-Envío de logo en formato AI, PDF o CDR.

-Descripción de los productos y de la empresa en formato de texto editable (word, txt)

-Descripción de la posición arancelaria NCM

-Completar el formulario para que un representante lo contacte para la firma del acuerdo que está al final de la página


Por la presente se autoriza a JC BUSINESS SAS, CUIT: 30-71626424-2, en adelante JC, representado por su presidente, Lic. Julián Cardoso, con domicilio legal en Av. Emilio Castro 6449 2º “B”, de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires a promocionar los productos _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ de _________________________, CUIT: ________________, en adelante LA EMPRESA, representada en este acto por ____________________, en su calidad de _____________, con domicilio en _____________________
Este convenio también abarca la presencia en el sitio web y acciones de promoción y rondas de negocios que lleva adelante JC
Para el caso de efectivizarse la operación de exportación, LA EMPRESA reconocerá a JC, una comisión sobre el valor FOB, equivalente al 5% del valor FOB exportado (porcentaje ajustable según el cliente y rubro), pagadera dentro de los 30 días de la exportación efectivamente cobrada.
Las partes expresamente convienen que JC no podrá confirmar operaciones sin el consentimiento de LA EMPRESA y todo presupuesto será consentido por la misma.
El presente convenio, se celebra sin plazo mínimo ni máximo de vigencia, pudiendo las partes decidir su extinción unilateralmente, bastando solo para ello la notificación fehaciente de la voluntad, con una antelación de 60 días. No obstante, de encontrarse gestiones en curso, pautadas y o establecidas previamente, las mismas deberán ser respetadas.
Buenos Aires a los días del mes de _______________ de 20__.

To be a part of the JC Online Soutions´ exportable offer


-Send us 300 DPI exportable offer product images. No more than five for the first campaign.

-Company logo in AI, PDF or CDR format.

-Company and products descriptiones in text editable format (word, txt)

-NCM arancelary position description

-Complete the formulary for being contacted by a JC Bussines representative to sign the following contract agreement







Between JC BUSINESS SAS, CUIT: 30-71626424-2, hereinafter JC, represented by its president, Lic. Julián Cardoso, with legal address on Av. Emilio Castro 6449 2nd "B", of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, by one part, and on the other _________________________, CUIT: ________________, hereinafter THE COMPANY, represented in this act by ____________________, in its capacity as _____________, with address on _____________________, on the other, they celebrate the present INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL PROMOTION AGREEMENT, in forward THE AGREEMENT, subject to the following terms and conditions:


FIRST: JC BUSINESS SAS, is website´s "JCONLINESOLUTIONS.COM" administrator: through which the promotion, dissemination, exhibition, contact and budget of "THE EXPORTABLE OFFER OF GOODS AND / OR SERVICES" of national and international companies is carried out. This offer, hereinafter "THE OFFER", is composed of: a) product photo, b) technical description of the product, c) tariff position (MERCOSUR common nomenclature) d) presentation of packaging and packaging of the product.


SECOND: JC, through the signature of this, will incorporate at no cost to THE COMPANY, the exportable offer that it indicates, being authorized to the exhibition, dissemination, promotion, publication, etc, of the logos, brands and photographs of the products and / or services sent by THE COMPANY. JC is not responsible for the use that third parties make of the images published on the site. It is the responsibility of THE COMPANY, incorporate watermark or provide the material to do so. THE COMPANY, expressly authorizes JC to intervene, the images in order to adapt them to the general aesthetics of the site.


THIRD: In order to comply with the provisions of clause two, THE COMPANY must send JC email to, containing the following information: a) images of the products in JPG format, with a resolution of no less than 200 DPI, without watermark or overprinted, b) Images of THE COMPANY, in JPG format with a resolution of no less than 200 DPI, without watermark or overprinted, c) Logo of THE COMPANY, in ".CDR" or " .AI " archives, d) Text in editable digital format ".DOC "or" .TXT" archives, that contains the history or what THE COMPANY believes pertinent to inform. The exportable offer will be reflected within 7 business days of receiving the confirmation of the indicated mail containing the information specifically requested to point III. For the case of high / low / modifications of the exportable offer, it must be communicated by the same means to JC for the purpose of its corresponding adjustment, which will be carried out within the term of 72 bussines hours.


FOURTH: Potential customers o some interested people will enter to the JCONLINESOLUTIONS.COM platform. They see the THE COMPANY exportable offer, an require commercial budgets. JC will contact THE COMPANY in order to work together in the development of the commercial proposal. JC will provide, through its professionals and associated institutions, technical support for the preparation of the proforma invoice.


FIFTH: In the event that the export operation becomes effective, THE COMPANY will recognize JC a  4% commission on the "FOB / FCA" value, payable within 7 business days of crediting each buyer's payment in the COMPANY account, against the issuance of the corresponding invoice, made available to THE COMPANY with due advance.


SIXTH: The parties expressly agree that JC can not confirm operations without the consent of THE COMPANY and any budget will be consented to by it.


SEVENTH: In compliance with the contractual principles, THE COMPANY undertakes to keep JC informed of the progress of the commercial operation and its implementation, as well as to give priority to JC for the commercial operations´ treatment and management, that originated in the tasks of promotion and development carried forward by the platform and its agents.


EIGHTH: JC is committed to keeping confidential all the information that has character of such, (costs, production systems, marketing system, etc), thus protecting the position of THE COMPANY, not being able to use information that is not related to the terms and object of present.


NINTH: This agreement is entered into without a minimum or maximum period of validity, and the parties may decide to terminate it unilaterally, only by means of a reliable notification of the will, 60 days in advance. However, if there are ongoing, scheduled and previously established procedures, they must be respected.


TENTH: The signatory parties undertake to resolve directly between themselves, through the appropriate negotiation instances, disagreements, differences and / or lack of understanding that have arisen. If the disagreement persists, it is an instance of mediation, in the terms of the applicable legislation in the Buenos Aires City, Argentina, it is maintained in the case of the impossible resolution, it is the jurisdiction of the National Courts, renounces any other jurisdiction, including the federal. For all legal purposes, the parts of the domiciles in those indicated "ut supra", where notifications and communications will be announced at the best and most effective way